Virtual Reality technology has taken the games and entertainment market by storm.


A few companies have stepped up to the plate with their offerings, the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Playstation VR being the main contenders.

I managed to get my hands on the HTC Vive, which is the most expensive of the three retailing at roughly £800.

Over the course of the next month or two I will be reviewing the HTC Vive in particular, and comparing it to the other market leaders ( as I’ve already sunk a lot of money into this i won’t be paying for the others any time soon, unless i get the chance to test for free.)

Although I bought the HTC vive as I thought it was my favorite from looking at the reviews etc. I will be remaining unbiased and objective during these reviews and so on.

I will be looking at the hardware, software and of course the overall experience, and also a bit of a strange one… the online community, as I have found this o be a large part of the enjoyment.


The games will be the last thing I look at. as these only differ generally between the PSVR and the PC based platforms.