One of my favorite games of late, Rainbow six siege is truly a unique tactical first person shooter that focuses on multiplayer game play.

Each game consists of 5 matches, which are made up of two teams playing one of the many game modes, Hostage, team deathmatch. secure the area and more.

Each team has 5 players. who each choose an operator from either the defending operators or the attacking operators respectively.

Each operator has a preset choice of weapons and gear and a unique ability. each ability is useful and contributes towards completing the objective. also each operator can only be chosenĀ once per team.

The environment is largely destructible, for example some wooden or partition walls can be breached using explosives, creating tactical entrances, and making for an exciting match.

This game requires teamwork to win above all else, so its great to get a bunch of mates together to play.

Doors and windows can be barricaded, and traps can be set my the defending team to hold of the advancing enemy.

The game always provides edge of your seat action. and is very satisfying.


I give this game a healthy 4.5 stars.

I’d lie to see some expansion packs released with more maps and even more unique operators.

Love Always

Chris Webster
